1. Quiz
Various kinds of the test method/quiz: Check box, Drag and Drop, Drop down, Math Expression, Multiple Choice, Numerical Input, Text Input, with automatic grading
2. Mobile
Allow the learners to study a lesson step by step through the mobile app accessible from Android or iPhone during their leisure time, for example on the way to office or school, and even during television break.
3. Mastery Learning
Simplify the Mastery Learning implementation, a preferred learning method to understand a lesson thoroughly. The quiz and module can be set with several levels, thus before achieving a certain threshold, the learners won’t be able to continue to the next level.
4. Your Own Domain
Use your own domain name, with your own logo, to increase the credibility of your organization.
5. Course Management System
Make it easier for users to create lesson materials, using video, html, file, or other formats.
6. Certificate
Generate a certificate as proof of passing automatically once a learner completes a course module.
7. Monitor the Progress
Monitor the progress of each learner make it easier for the lecturer to know each learner’s progress.
8. No Server, No Software
No need to install or owning any server, we provide all your needs. Reduce your maintenance cost and let us do the maintenance.
9. Programming Editor
Learning to program is now easier by enabling you to show an online editor in the learning module. The learners need not to install any IDE software on their own computers. Speed up the learning process by eliminating any troubleshooting step.
10. Forum
The forum feature allows the learners to discuss and collaborate online, assisted by the lecturer. Each course can have its own discussion board, accessible only by registered learners.
11. Enterprise Ready
The Katalis application can handle many users and scale horizontally quickly.
12. Full Support
Our team can help your organization for a different kind of tasks: create learning modules, how to use the application, quiz creation, grading, or other technical problems.