Get To Know Open edX

Online courses via e-learning platforms today become learners’ daily lives. More educational institutions provide online degrees. Most companies prefer to conduct...

Adaptive Learning In LMS To Support Learning In The Flow Of Work

What is adaptive learning? Adaptive learning is a learning design that prioritizes learners’ needs by giving them tailored learning resources, clear...

Analytics Features in LMS

LMS is now widely used by both formal and informal institutions to implement e-learning. It’s not only educational institutions but also...

Accommodating Learning Styles Via An LMS

Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its...

The Rise of Online Degrees; An Opportunity For Higher Education Providers

Covid-19 has driven education to digital transformation in the form of various edtech businesses, especially e-learning. It has a rapidly growing...

How Does Grab Singapore Humanize The Employees Through Training

Grab Holdings Inc., is a leading super-app platform that occupies the first position out of the top 10 tech companies in...

The Benefits of Investing in Employees Training and Development

“An investment of knowledge always pays the best interest”- Benjamin Franklin Businesses believe that employees are essential assets for their companies...

How to Increase Outcome Survey for Training Providers That Receive Funding from SSG

Have you ever heard about SSG? Well, SSG stands for SkillsFuture Singapore. It is a statutory board that works under The...

Strategy on How Scaling Your Corporate Training Business in Singapore

A training company that plays a role in employee development or corporate training is one of the business sectors which people...

5 Effective Ways to Advertise Your Tuition Center Using Social Media in Singapore

Trend of social media is now dominating the way people communicate and use the internet. People use it to fill spare...