AI in Finance: The Future of Corporate Finance

The finance industry has entered a new era driven by the advances in artificial intelligence (AI) technology. AI is not only...

The Phenomenon of Edutech Disruption in the Book Publishing Industry

Technology Disruption Technological disruption is a phenomenon of disruptive technology (disruptive innovation) that causes changes to orders and systems in new...

Cloud-Based LMS and Its Advantages

The use of LMS (Learning Management System) continues to increase every year. Its global market size is projected to reach USD...

Personalized Learning for Generation Z Employee Training

Since 2019, a new generation known as Generation Z has begun to enter the workforce. The presence of Gen Z will...

The New Era of L&D Has Arrived

New employee training is an important part of the hiring process because it teaches new hires about the company’s values, mission and goals,...

Tips to Make your Online Course Even Better

What it’s about? According to market research firm Global Industry Analysts, the online education industry will grow to $370 billion in...

Open Source LMS: Is It Truly Inexpensive?

Proverb says, “there is no such thing as a free lunch” or nothing is free in this world. However, in e-learning,...

Open edX LMS: Technical Overview

Today more companies are using LMS to provide employee training and skills development because it can increase by 24% higher profit...

Open edX LMS: Why Is It Widely Used?

A brief history of Open edX Open edX is an open-source LMS initiated by Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology...

Comparing the Best 3 Open Source LMS Platforms For 2023, Moodle Vs. Open edX Vs. Canvas

LMS stands for learning management system. It is a platform for conducting online learning. LMS is not only used by educational...